
Naughty Pants -- unproduced -- Cingular

(SFX: Cell phone ring )
WOMAN: Hello?
MAN: Hellooooo, Sugarbumps.
WOMAN: Mmmmm. This sounds a little naughty.

MAN: Oooh.. What am I wearing?
WOMAN: You’re supposed to ask what I’m wearing.
MAN: Oh, wait. Never mind. I’m wearing pants.
WOMAN: Naughty pants?
MAN: Just pants.
WOMAN: Bob, where’s the naughty part?
CINGULAR ANNCR: Oh, I’ll tell you naughty. What if you get to the end of the month and don’t use all your wireless minutes? They’ll disappear faster than dryer socks or a snappy comeback.
WOMAN: Those disappearing minutes should be spanked.
CINGULAR ANNCR: Oh, they're spanked into next month with Cingular, so you can actually use the minutes you pay for. If you talk a lot, you could save 20,30, 40-percent.
MAN: We could use some practice time.
CINGULAR ANNCR: Sign up now and get a Nokia picture phone, free after rebate. That could help.
WOMAN: Bob, did you call just to use your minutes before they disappear?
MAN: Yeah. Is that naughty?
WOMAN: Oh, maybe... I guess.
CINGULAR ANNCR: I'll leave you lovebirds to your dysfuntional chatter. Cingular fits you best.

Cingular has nothing to do with this spot, except maybe for deciding not to approve it once. From Freelancefred's ad morgue.